Tuesday, November 29, 2011

That Word . . . I Do Not Think It Means What You Think It Means

Police officer causes traffic accident. Higher up police officer gives him a ticket for breaking the law. Even higher up police officer voids the ticket. Why, you might ask?

"In the interest of justice," of course. When asked to explain his comment, he refused to answer.

Monday, October 31, 2011

4th Amendment Takes Another Hit

Every time I think they couldn't possibly weaken the 4th any more than they have already, something like this comes along.

So the cops have a suspect for a burglary and want DNA evidence, but they don't have enough to get a warrant, so what do they do? Well, they just stop him under the pretense of administering a DUI test, and then keep the saliva he leaves on the machine as "abandoned" property. Certainly, a court we see straight through this sham and reprimand the police who tried to pull the stunt, right?

So the police can't order you to give them a DNA sample directly, but they can order you to do something that gives them a sample indirectly, even if they order you to do it merely to get said sample. Make sense? Thought not.

Friday, October 7, 2011

Texas Makes It A Felony To Steal an Aluminum Can

Via the removal of a clause in a statute obviously meant to combat the theft of copper wiring and such, Texas has now made it a felony to steal an aluminum can . . . or a penny (pre-1982). That means no voting and no gun ownership, not to mention the fact that a felony record pretty much screws your chances at getting a job forever.

Now, some people will claim that a prosecutor would never interpret the statute in such a manner, but I think we've seen where prosecutors naturally drift to when confronted with someone they really, really want to put in jail for something.

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

It's Not About Safety, It's About Power

Washington D.C. cops are now arresting people who are caught driving with expired tags. Does forgetting to pay your yearly protection money "tag fee" constitute a threat to public safety, or merely to authority?

That's a rhetorical question.

Maybe next they can start seizing the cars through civil asset forfeiture too. You know, for more "safety".

Friday, September 23, 2011

Environmental Progress

So, apparently we now pay corporations and corrupt foreign governments to beat people and burn them alive in their homes, so that we can re-purpose the arable land they own towards trees and away from the food production they so desperately need.

But you know, global warming, so I guess that makes it all okay.

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Funny How That Works

You know how we desperately needed the Patriot Act passed, so that law enforcement officers could act to protect us from the big, bad terrorists without bothering with little things like warrants ahead of time?

Via New York magazine, here's what they are using that new-found power for:
Funny how that works, isn't it?